Kyle Sattler
Aleatoric Polyrhythms Of Any Perceivable Consciousness
Multi monitor installation
2020 ©️Kyle Sattler 2020
Recorded live Mid 2020, Tauranga, New Zealand.
The moving image motif of the whirlpool refers to the ancient pan-cultural symbolism of the grinding of the cosmic mill, which has forged numerous mythological manifestations throughout human history. In cosmographical literature the maelstrom has three roots, one in heaven, one in the earth and one in the water eddy. It is important to note that the whirlpool has a tree that grows near to it or upon it, frequently a life giving or saving tree and that the whirlpool came into being because the tree was uprooted or chopped down or the mill’s axle unhinged. The waters hidden below the tree, pillar or mills axle remain idle until someone or something removes the plug. The opening of the navel brings the deluge and the (Cosmological) world remains in chaos until the navel is plugged and a new cosmological age is ushered in . In the work ‘The Aleatoric Polyrhythms Of A(ny) Perceivable Consciousness’ this imagery also serves as a vessel with which to contain the element of sound.
Inspired by Brian Eno’s work, ‘Ambient 1: Music for Airports’, 1978. The semi autonomous generative system of multiple monitors playing in unison forms an incommensurable artwork. Each moving image loop is set at a unique length allowing for a perpetual cycle of sonic and visual combinations. In this context the work can be viewed as a living metaphor of an ego projected into auxiliary space. The looped, semi autonomous video/audio sets play on synchresis to enable a heightened experience (Flow) (Csikszentmihalyi/Bergson), mimicking the aleatoric nature of our privileged human instant(s).